WWW Farmboyzim’s Flight Sim’s
Privacy - Yours and Mine
This is going to be short, sweet and to the point...

As far as your email address goes, I'll only use it to respond to any emails from you, and it will not be sold or given to any third parties!

All content, unless otherwise stated, is the property of the owner of this site.  Redistribution of this material is forbidden without prior permission.  Just ask!

Use of Pay Pal for any purchases or donations is performed using encrypted HTML code, to insure your privacy and security.

Cookies are used to see which pages are viewed and how you found my site.  Basically, they give me a bunch of charts and figures to see what's going  on with the site.  Absolutely no personal information is gathered or stored from this and presents no danger to your privacy or your system.  You can delete the cookie from your system if you so wish.  These things are pretty common place these days, however.

In conclusion, You are treated with the same respect for your privacy as I would like afforded to me!  I ask that you do the same!  So... enjoy the site, don't worry, and may the sky stay blue!

    Thanks for the visit!
Stevens Johnson Syndrome
Stevens Johnson Syndrome Counter
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