- Volume: LTR, GAL, IPG
- Weight: KG, LB
- Weather: °C, °F, MB, HP, IHG, MHG
- Distance: MTR, YRD, KM, FT, IN, NM, SM
- Local time / GMT time shown
- Calculate time enroute
- Calculate departure time
- Calculate arrival time
- Count up timer
- Count down timer
Aerosoft Online (who operate has decided to give their loyal customers a present. The Flight Calculator, one of the smallest, but also best selling products will be available for free to all current and future customers! This version is exactly the same as the one that is as a separate product that will stay as a separate product online. The product remains copyrighted and it is in NO WAY a freeware product. You are NOT allowed to share this product with anybody.
The Flight Calculator is a stand alone application that can (but does not need to) linked to FS2004. It will basically do all calculations that are needed before and during your flights. Of course it also converts all the different measures used in aviation. When connected to FS2004 it will take all the values that are available directly from the simulator so it will save you a lot of entering difficult values. If you like to see how the calculator is used when a old Beaver was flown from Saint Tropez to Sardinia, check out this tutorial. Please note that is is a promotion of the site and does not apply to orders done on other online shops or boxed orders.
All customers who check the Order History Page of the orders they have done at will find a new download link to AO_FC_PROMO. Here are the instructions on how to find the download link;
1. Select Your Account (top right hand side of the screen) using the email address and your password used when the product was bought.
2. Now select Your Order Details & Downloads
3. You will now see all orders you done on the shop (sorted per date)
4. Select the order you want to get details on by choosing the order date in the list to the left. For the promotion any order will do.
5. You will be presented with a screen with a download links, install counter reset and your Registration Key.
6. The free copy of the Flight Calculator can be found as one of the download links. Look for
Again, keep in mind that this is a gift to the customers. The product remains copyrighted and it is in NO WAY a freeware product. You are NOT allowed to share this product with anybody.
Aerosoft Flight Calculator does all the calculations you need during your flight planning and during your flight. All functions are logically grouped and easy to find. Here is a nearly complete list;